郭艾伦加盟广州 媒体人透露三名球员只是“被告知”没任何选择权
来源: 公众号
2024-08-24 20:36
CBA this summer witnessed the biggest trade in history: a three-team deal involving Liaoning, Guangzhou, and Tongxi! Guo Ailun will join Guangzhou, Tongxi gets Zhu Mingzhen, and Wang Lanqin goes to Liaoning on loan.
According to journalist Yang Qian's understanding, this trade was initiated and led by Tongxi, with the three clubs directly involved in the deal. The players involved in the trade were merely "informed", without any decision-making power.
Just as the dust settled on Zhou Qi's transfer to Beijing Shougang, CBA witnessed the most groundbreaking trade in history.
This afternoon, Jiangsu Tongxi reached a deal with Guangzhou and Liaoning clubs—Liaoning sends out Guo Ailun and receives Wang Lanqin; Guangzhou sends out Zhu Mingzhen and receives Guo Ailun; Tongxi sends out Wang Lanqin and receives Zhu Mingzhen.
It is worth mentioning that in this trade, both Guo Ailun and Zhu Mingzhen are permanent transfers, while Wang Lanqin is loaned to Liaoning for three years.
It is understood that this trade was initiated and led by Tongxi, with the three clubs directly involved. The three players involved in the trade were merely "informed" and had no decision-making power.
Undoubtedly, Tongxi is the biggest winner in this trade. They managed to trade Wang Lanqin to Liaoning for three years using a sign-and-trade method, while also acquiring Zhu Mingzhen. After the three-year term expires, Wang Lanqin will still belong to Tongxi.
Currently, the three clubs are in negotiations with the players regarding the details of joining. Guangzhou has also sent someone to Dongguan to communicate with Guo Ailun, who is participating in an event there.
Unfortunately, Guo Shiqiang has already stepped down as the head coach of Guangzhou, so the uncle and nephew couldn't play for the same club again.
As a key player for Liaoning, it is regretful that Guo Ailun will leave the team towards the end of his career. It is also a pity that he couldn't achieve the dream of "one player, one city".
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